Most exploited vulnerabilities from Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) top 10 security vulnerabilities.
Php version check so that your website doesn't get exploited due to vulnerabilities present in old and outdated php versions
Javascript vulnerability check to ensure that the website is free of any javascript vulnerabilities that can cause any run-time issues and exploits
Security headers to make sure that modern browsers are restricted from running into vulnerabilities.
Software / Platform versions
Php related vulnerabilities
HTTPS support
SQL injection
Spam protection
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1. Identifies Vulnerabilities to Security Breaches
- Website security is important?If your site is not protected, hackers can use your site to infect your site visitors with malware and steal the data your site holds.
The reality is that, because of a hacked website, a customer loses trust, and therefore it will lead to company reputation loss, which for e-commerce can often mean an end of the business. - What is security testing?Security testing can be considered as the most important in all types of software testing. Its main objective is to find vulnerabilities in any software (web or networking) based application and protect their data from possible attacks or intruders.
As many applications contain confidential data and need to be protected from being leaked. Software testing needs to be done periodically on such applications to identify threats and to take immediate action on them. - What is “Vulnerability”?Vulnerability can be defined as the weakness of any system through which intruders or bugs can attack the system.
If security testing has not been performed rigorously on the system then chances of vulnerabilities get increased. Time to time patches or fixes is required to prevent a system from the vulnerabilities. - What are the factors that can cause vulnerabilities?Design flaws, passwords, complexity, human error and management.
- What is google blacklist?When a website is on the blacklist, the search engine is expelling a site from their list. When a website is blacklisted, it loses almost 95% of its organic traffic, which can rapidly affect revenue.
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Geoff Pyne
Steve Schlesinger